New Balance M1000MB Moonrock/Sea Salt
New Balance
The reissued 1000 brings a turn of the millennium classic out of the archives. Originally released in 1999, the 1000 embodied the era闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌i幋锝呅撻柛銈呭閺屾盯顢曢敐鍡欘槬缂佺偓鍎抽…鐑藉蓟閺囩喓绠鹃柣鎰靛墯閻濇梻绱掗悙顒�鍔ゆ繛纭风節瀵鏁嶉崟顏呭媰闁荤姴娲﹁ぐ鍐╂叏閺囥垺鈷戠紒瀣儥閸庢劙鏌ㄩ弴妯虹伈鐎殿喖顭锋俊鎼佸煛閸屾矮绨婚梻浣瑰劤缁绘顢氶弽顬℃椽鎯冩稊纾�, futuristic styling with a streamlined, yet intricately detailed design. The standard mesh upper and synthetic overlay design is inverted, with mesh underlays, emerging from the more prominent overlay panels, for a refined, tech-inspired look. A segmented sole unit features ABZORB cushioning at the heel and forefoot, with a Stability Web midfoot shank
Color: Moonrock/Sea Salt
Product Code: M1000MB